2 Jan

12 great TED Talks

We started something new in 2012 in our department.  Each month we had a brown bag lunch to watch a TED Talk together.  I assigned a month to each staff member, who would pick the video and lead the conversation afterward.  Coming together around a TED Talk isn’t an original idea, but I have found the collective experience to be very worthwhile.

It is fascinating to see what videos people select and why.  Sometimes the videos are directly related to our work; other times they are simply a reflection of someone’s passion and interests.  The videos spark discussions that sometimes go in unexpected directions.  We are working to implement a few ideas – a more formalized orientation for new professional staff and a “wolf wave” (our mascot is the Red Wolf) as a fun way to recognize exceptional customer service – that came from these discussions.

Most importantly, it’s a great way to get everyone around the same table in an informal yet meaningful way.  In 2013, I plan to extend an open invite to faculty and staff outside of our department to join us.

Here are the TED Talks we watched together in 2012, selected by staff:

Speaking of TED Talks, I am excited that our city is hosting its first-ever TEDx event, TEDxRichmond, on February 9.


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2 thoughts on “12 great TED Talks

  1. Great idea, Rob. Innovative ideas come from everywhere…. Congrats to you for leading your team in this direction. Speaks volumes…

    Best to IU-East.


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